Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Tim normally takes Reed to preschool in the mornings, but today, he had an early-morning faculty meeting, so I took him instead. After Tim left, the conversation went like this:

Reed: Daddy has a meeting.

Me: Yes, he does.

Reed: I have a meeting, too.

Me: You do? Who is your meeting with?

Reed: Miss Anna. (his teacher)

Me: Oh. What is your meeting about?

Reed: Birds. We're talking about birds.

Me: And when is your meeting over?

Reed: When Miss Anna says it's snack time.

Wouldn't it be a lot easier to sit through meetings if you knew there were going to be snacks afterward?


At 12:24 PM, Blogger 1UP RPG said...

I think there should be a rule that all meetings should be followed by snacks. Preferably Soft Batch cookies.


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