Keep Us in Your Prayers...
I've mentioned before that Tim has been having pain in his left arm (No, it's not his heart) for quite some time now. About six weeks to be more specific. He had this same problem back in the fall, but our chiropractor worked it out after awhile and all was well. This time, after seeing our chiropractor for a few weeks, it wasn't helping, so he moved on to traditional medicine. He had an MRI done, which confirmed the pinched nerve. It's one nerve that's pinched in three places, one pretty severely. He was referred to a neurosurgeon who diagnosed him with a ruptured disk in his neck. It's pressing on his nerve and he said he would not get better without surgery.
He cannot lie down flat without his arm hurting. I guess that exacerbates the pressure on the nerve. Therefore, he has not slept in our bed in over two weeks now. He sleeps sitting up on the couch in our family room. Don't feel sorry for him; he's got quite the cushy setup in there. He's got the comfy denim couch complete with ottoman for his feet. He's got the end table which holds his drink and alarm clock. There's a chair nearby where the ever-present laptop is stored. The world is at his fingertips. See for yourself.
His surgery is at noon tomorrow and if all goes well, he should be home tomorrow afternoon. Stay tuned for further pictures of Tim in a drug-induced stupor....