Monday, April 28, 2008

Employed - You won't believe this....

So last we reported, our oldest was looking for a job. Now, we have new businesses going in left and right around us, but many do not hire 16 year olds. After putting in applications many places, we found our new Taco Bell around the corner was taking applications. I drove Lane down to the Cedar Park Taco Bell where he spent FOREVER inside. Come to find out when he got back in the vehicle, not only did he fill out an application, but the manager for the location close to our house interviewed him. Only thing was he forgot his license and social security card. Fast forward to the next day, we go AGAIN to the the Cedar Park Taco Bell to give copies of said license and social security card. Again, he was in there FOREVER. When he came out, I find out he had to do paperwork over again. All sounds good. They sound like they might hire him. The new location is literally within walking distance to our house --- this is good for a 16 year-old without wheels. There is a two-day waiting period, and they said they would call. Fast forward a couple of days and Lane is not letting grass grow under him, he calls. The manager is not in. Repeat this process several times with no connections. Now things are not really looking good.

Today, Lane calls again. Dude, you are on the schedule for Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday...... HELLO? When might have someone called and told the boy he was hired? We're not totally sure he is hired until tomorrow when his mom is going to have to call because the manager is only there during the school day.

Now we have a dilemma. The week that this new Taco Bell opens is also the SAME week we are all supposed to travel to Berryville, Arkansas on our church youth mission trip to work on houses for those in need. Do you think the new job will be thrilled for Lane to be gone opening week after training him to be there specifically for that week and beyond? The boy wants a job, but as parents, we are having a hard time thinking about him missing an opportunity to serve others in Christ with his peers. He wants to go on the mission trip, but he has had such a hard time finding a job, he is reluctant to pass this opportunity by. Growing up is hard. What would you do?



At 8:05 PM, Blogger Dto3 said...

Here's what I'd do...Abandon the family. Abandon the community. The almighty dollar reigns supreme, as do the nachos bellgrande!
As much as I'd like to say that sometimes you have to make sacrifices for your career; when your career is Taco Bell, I'd have to vote for Habitat for Humanity.

At 8:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Lane! How exciting!

Aunt Susan

At 12:50 PM, Blogger brooke_hc said...

I say, lay it all out for the management before you accept and if they say it is the Mission Trip or the job, at least you will know for sure what you are up against. They may be able to work it out. Better to just be honest and not get the job, then work for a few weeks and get fired when you dropped the bomb you were going on the trip! :)
(p.s. I am a Taco Bell fan from way back...any time we are "being bad" and having a fast food night we drive thru McDonalds for Bob (and the kids) and Taco Bell for me!)


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