Sunday, January 27, 2008

Stonehenge, Crop Circles and Decorator Boy

Stonehenge has got nothing on us. Crop circles ---- whatever. Mysterious appearances of the unusual happen worldwide. Our home is not immune to this phenomenon. What you see below started to appear around our house over the weekend.

Between the furniture, under a low window.

On the pantry door leading to the garage.

On the side of the kitchen cabinets.

What could be causing this?

It's him! Decorator Boy. What is he decorating for, you ask? Silly reader, Halloween, of course. Doesn't everyone with good taste decorate for Halloween in January? His mom and dad suggested Valentine's Day might be more apropos. Decorator Boy would hear of no such foolishness. Halloween is it, so folks, we are all decked out with ghosts, goblins and all manner of scary beings nine months early.

Go Decorator Boy, Go!



At 11:04 PM, Blogger Dto3 said...

All right - I've read about Stonehenge at least 3 or 4 times. Give me some more love already!


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